Hi friends, I have been talking to you all through this blog since 2 years now! Firstly, thank you all for reading, following 'Green Living'; giving continuous feedback & supporting this mission of 'Leading Green Life'! Our common passion for going green on personal level & love for Nature have kept us all together for 2 years! So I thought it is time to celebrate our successful 2 Green Years!
Note: This is not for any commercial purpose, the intent is public awareness. Also if you want your name to get published or not is all upto you.

Let's cheer together for Green Living by adding all of our personal touch to it, by sharing our Green stories! These green stories are not supposed to be grand or CNN style green stories....but whatever we do in our routine life in line with our Green living mission, we can summarize. If we save energy, recycle paper, take stairs instead of lifts or do anything which shows that we care for environment, doesn't matter how small or big... Let's share how we lead our green life!!!
Let's show the world what we do, how we are leading a green life! Believe me, your stories will be inspiration for many others!
Awaiting your comments or emails with some photos if possible. I would appreciate if you can take out few minutes. Let's make colaz of Green Living leaders!Note: This is not for any commercial purpose, the intent is public awareness. Also if you want your name to get published or not is all upto you.
Give Your Stuff Away Day
May 14, 2011
The World's Biggest Recycling / Giveaway Event
Free stuff will be available in neighborhoods all over on May 14, 2011.
It’s an event Mike Morone is hoping to establish annually. This event could help millions, while shrinking landfills, reducing clutter, lowering costs, and boosting the economy.
Don’t we all own items we don’t use or want any more? Why do we keep it all? In one weekend, let’s take this stuff and give it away, instantly creating the world’s biggest recycling / giveaway event!
On May 14th, bring your stuff to the curb for others. Then go and get some new stuff!
Mike Morone
Give Your Stuff Away Day
PO Box 21
North Chili, NY 14514
585 749-5107
Hi Mike,
Thank you for letting Green Living readers know about Give Your Stuff Away event! I request you to forward me some photos of the event with some statistical information about how much stuff is diverted from landfill. It will definitely be a very inspiring Green story! I will also check with local organizations, if they are interested in organizing the same event on May 14th! All the best!
- Amruta Kshemkalyani-Tavkar
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